My new online project...

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Socialist Realism in strong late-winter sun

Just one pic from today's movements around town - the building on the corner of ul. Marszałkowska and Al. Armii Ludowej, part of Phase III of MDM, the socialist-realist housing project just south of the city centre. Just one pic but it impressed me enough to feel it worthwhile uploading it for your pleasure. Worth clicking on the photo to enlarge.

The sun, much higher now in the afternoon sky, plays upon the façade of these flats facing out on two busy thoroughfares, the sky is clouding over from the north.

This time last year:
The Cripple and the Storyteller - part II

This time two years ago:
The station with no name
[update: W-wa Dawidy station got its sign last autumn]

This time three years ago:
Lenten thoughts on motoring

This time four years ago:
Flowers, spring - already

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