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Thursday 8 March 2012

A third of the way through Lent

Key statistics - compared to Ash Wednesday, I'm 2kg (4lb) lighter and have lost half an inch around the waist. Diet-wise, I adapted well to caffeine withdrawal (just three days of low-level background headache). I don't miss alcohol (surprisingly); I have the odd twinge of desire for meat (and a strong urge to re-visit Butchery and Wine, currently Warsaw's top restaurant).

Two dietary slip-ups, both in town; the vegetarian set lunch I ordered at the Tandoor Palace contained chunks of cheese in the spinach, while in Między Słowami there was no fruit or herbal tea, so the black tea bag which came in my winter tea was quickly removed by the waiter. Otherwise, holding up very well.

Typical Lent menus: mixed bean sprout stir-fry with smoked salmon and cous-cous, smoked tofu ravioli with smoked salmon and pesto, smoked tofu and soya paste toasted sandwiches (on dark chleb razowy). Plus lots of fresh fruit - yesterday a bunch of seedless grapes, a grapefruit, a large and juicy orange and eight strawberries.

And this year I have been drinking mostly Inka kawa zbożowa (grain 'coffee').

Exercising - this year I'm doing fewer sit-ups and more press-ups; 25 of each twice a day right now.

Great spiritual reflections brought on by two weeks and one day of strict self-denial...? Not just yet, I'll let you know when they happen!

This time last year:
Balancing surfeit and shortage

This time two years ago:
Congruent consciousness


  1. @Mike
    I'm three kilos down. See?

  2. Well done Michael! Ewa is on the same path and is holding her own as well.


  3. @ Krzysztof, Ewa (Chris W, Andrzej P)

    I'm delighted to see how many others are also taking Lent seriously to get body and soul back into good shape!
