My new online project...

Monday 27 August 2012

An artistic dab of paint makes all the difference

There's not much reason to photograph drab, featureless buildings, especially those as functionally alien to my thinking as city-centre car parks; trawling through my photo archives, indeed, I have no photographs of this place (on ul. Parkingowa - yes, 'Parking Street'). So here, courtesy of Google Street View, the 'before' picture. Brutalism at its purest.

Below: how it looks after an artist has given it a lick of paint - no longer does it look like a 'U'-boat pen or section from Festung Europa's Atlantic wall. View from the corner of ul. Nowogrodzka and Parkingowa.

Below: view from Parkingowa. Very jolly. Bravo all round to the artist with the colourful vision and the city authorities for agreeing to the implementation.

This time last year:
To Hel and back in 36 hours

This time two years ago:
Poles, stretch your facial muscles

This time three years ago:
Honing the Art of the Written Word

This time four years ago:
Of castles, dams and brass bands


  1. Michael,

    The artist's name is Swanski,

    he is very famous among those who admire street art. He has also done a nice mural on ulica Kasprowicza 59

    in collaboration with another street art painter called Flying Fortress

    additionally, he owns a street fashion label and shop, Turbokolor:

    Here are many interesting street art entries:

    Best regards,

  2. It looks great! A dab of paint in a grey city is always a good idea! I have something similar in my town as well and it makes passing by very enjoyable.
