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Thursday 20 September 2012

End of the summer pavement tables

It's late September and I really should be back inside eating my lunch. And yet the pavement tables, that sprang up in May, in joyous anticipation of the Euro 2012 football championships (now a distant memory) are coming to the end of their season in the sun.

In central Warsaw, its a common sight -  not something one sees in damp old London. Below: ul. Wilcza 8. The tables spill out right across the pavements, narrowing access, but adding much to the urban flavour. It's still early (just after 10am) so the chairs aren't yet put out.

I must say, I've never sat outside on any of the pavement tables around our office, mainly because of the wind. Even on hot, sunny days, the wind blowing down ul. Nowogrodzka can be quite unsettling when you have a plate of food and a newspaper. Or else the weather can change and a sudden downpour can give your a drenching. Below: outside our offices on Nowogrodzka; Kasztelan restaurant, and across the road, Namaste India, which also has pavement tables.

My guess is that pavement tables are aimed at the smoking community. How long will they stay on the pavements this season? Another week at most, I'd think - or to the end of September? I wonder which will be the last bar or restaurant to keep pavement tables open this year...

This time last year:
The Old Sailor's Tale - a short story

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