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Saturday 13 October 2012

More autumnal gorgeousness from Warsaw

On a day like today, one should be snap-snap-snapping away, to capture Warsaw in its autumnal finery.
Below: Ujazdowski castle, and the Piaseczyński canal in the foreground. Trees blaze with colour.

Below: coming out of the Metro station at Politechnika, ul. Nowowiejska. Oily effect on plexiglass caused by polarising filter, not visible with naked eye.

Below: Pl. Zbawiciela, the church of the Holiest Saviour (Najświętszego Zbawiciela), late afternoon. 

Below: ul. Marszałkowska between Pl. Unii Lubelskiej and Pl. Zbawiciela, over the Trasa Łazienkowska. A new-style Swing tram departs towards Wyścigi.

Below: Trasa Łazienkowska towards the end of the working week. Completely solid. At least the bus lanes keep public transport moving efficiently along this major east-west thoroughfare.

Look at all those short-distance one-per-car commuters going nowhere fast - they should give up their cars, take to public transport and leave the road space for those really need it.

This time last year:
The genius of Donald Tusk

This time two years ago:
Tragic road accident kills 18: Has Poland learnt anything from it?


  1. Hi Michał - I wonder, if you noticed on Plac Zbawiciela that some vandal torched the rainbow in the square (in the wee hours on Saturday). Weren't you speculating a few months ago about the rainbow's fate?

    Keep up the great photos!


  2. Hi Kolin - good to hear from you. The vandal was drunk and not part of some 'the nation vs. society' conspiracy, as the artist said. The rainbow will be back (the majority of those polled on this blog want it to be permanent here on Pl. Zbawiciela).

  3. I'm about to live in Warsaw for a year, after five shorter visits since 2012. I'm reluctant, but your blog is reviving my interest in the pleasures of the city. Thank you. You will make it easier to leave Australia.
