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Sunday 11 November 2012

Węzeł Lotnisko update

Despite the fact that today was a Sunday and a public holiday, there were many signs of activity on the building site of Węzeł Lotnisko - the junction between the east-west S2 (southern Warsaw bypass) and north-south S79.

One major step forward is the imminent opening to traffic of the three-track rail viaducts over the S2. Below: a southbound Przewozy Regionalne train headed for Kraków on the re-opened line that now crosses the expressway. The middle track was still being prepared for opening, with final work being done on the permanent way. Northbound trains heading for Warsaw still swung round onto the nearest track, which has been temporarily electrified.

Looking at the new viaducts from the east (Węzeł Puławska) side; the soil under the bridges is being removed; there is still around three metres needing to be excavated before the level of the S2 is reached. The retaining posts will be removed once the soil levels have been equalled.

Looking at the new viaducts from the west side, we can see the pillars supporting the double (electrified passenger) track bridge. Under it another retaining fence and around four metres of soil needing to be dug out. It's encouraging to see workmen hard at it on a Sunday/public holiday, but there are still many months of work ahead before we'll see traffic on the S2.

Below: the sound of a pile-driver informed passers-by - dozens of pedestrians and cyclists taking a look - that this was a working day on the site. In the foreground the new viaduct carrying ul. Hołubcowa over the S2; behind it the newly opened (see previous post) viaduct carrying ul. Poloneza over the S2. And in the distance, the blocks of flats of Ursynów, on the other side of Puławska.

Below: looking across the S2, behind the retaining fence on the east side. The excavators have to claw away around three metres of soil beneath them to reach the level of the carriageways. Just visible to the left of the photo - a TEM2 loco and a rake of aggregate wagons.

Below: a telephoto shot of the S79 from Węzeł Lotnisko looking north. The bridge in the distance carries ul. Poleczki over the expressway. Note the low-level street-lighting in the foreground, rising to full height further along; this is the approach path to Runway 33 at Okęcie airport.

This is all meant to be ready by Spring 2013; by which I guess 20 June. I'm beginning to be more optimistic (I was previously punting on early-December 2013). We shall see...


  1. The train in the first picture must be a PKP IC train. PR transferred all the ED74s to IC.

  2. So it's running TLK duties? I thought TLK didn't run Warsaw-Kraks via Radom and Kielce any more...

  3. They do. There are 2 or 3 such trains daily, I believe.
