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Friday 7 December 2012

Swans on ice

On my wintry walk to work this morning, I espied swans still here, on Jezioro Grabowskie. This small colony has evidently not taken the trouble to fly to warmer climes. It's just gone half past seven, around sunrise.

Above: view from the makeshift jetty (made from wooden pallets). My earlier attempt to get close to the water's edge (below) resulted in my foot going through the ice and catching a shoe-full of icy, smelly pond water. But I caught sight of this swan...

Among the five swans, a pair of moorhens. I believe this is the same group of swans that spent three summers living in the pond on ul. Trombity until the year before last.

It will be interesting to see whether the swans remain here for the entire winter, or whether the frosts will get too much for them, prompting them to fly south.

This time last year:

This time two years ago:
What's the English for kombinować?

This time three years ago:
The demographics of jazz

This time four years ago:
A day in Poznań

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