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Thursday 24 January 2013

The more it snows

It's been snowing all week. The temperature's not got any warmer than -5C all week. And Warsaw's been moving smoothly all week. A proper Warsaw winter, in other words. As long as I'm properly dressed, such winters hold no fear, and Warsaw (unlike other capitals I can think of) is coping well. Traffic flows smoothly, public transport keeps working, and in the office, no one even mentions the weather outside.

This morning's locomotions between one office and another and the Embassy and back gave me a chance to walk through a very special part of Our City.

Park Ujazdowski, from the entrance on ul. Piękna
Park Ujazdowski - snow-covered benches, footpaths and trees
Park Ujazdowski - bridge over the ornamental stream
Ul. Agricola, looking to Pl. Na Rozdrożu. Statue of Jan III Sobieski on right.
Looking down the Vistula escarpment - ul. Agricola
Outside our office: cars snowed in on Al. Szucha
This time last year:
Conspiracy theorists in politics

This time two years ago:
A Dream Too Far - short story

This time three years ago:
Compositions in white, blue and gold

This time four years ago:
Dobra and the road

This time five years ago:
Polish air force plane full of VIPs crashes on landing in bad weather


  1. Michal - it has been a beautiful, proper winter indeed! A light dusting of sugary powder every day and temperatures below 0 have created a wonderland (in our area).

    The cats have staked out their toilet under the big pine tree in the front yard and all is well on Nadrzeczna!

    I only do not look forward to the big melt - in particular downtown where the millions of hidden landmines left by the local dogs will arise from the snowy depths to maim the unsuspecting.

  2. I love this part of Our City. Beautiful wintry photos. Thanks for them.
