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Wednesday 16 January 2013

Tramming it

Since moving offices from ul. Nowogrodzka to Al. Szucha in November, my geography of Warsaw has been unsettled to a greater extent than it was by the previous move from ul. Fabryczna to ul. Nowogrodzka. Warsaw's geography is determined by its principle travel axes; I'm no longer on the railway line from Jeziorki to Śródmieście or Powiśle; the Metro is two tram stops away.

Yes, the tram now defines the way I move around town. The 4, 10 and 35 from my office to Al. Lotników where I can change to a 715 bus all the way home to Trombity; the 35 from my office to Eddie's school for parents' evenings, a whole string of members arrayed along the 14 and 35 routes, and the 18 which goes to Pl. Zamkowy before crossing the river. Yes, trams are good.

Today's trammery - off to Radio PiN to appear on an hour-long programme to talk about David Cameron and Britain's strange relationship with the European Union. I catch a 35 to Pl. Bankowy, then a 15 to Pl. Inwalidów. Afterwards a 6 to Pl. Wilsona, and Metro home towards Ursynau.

So - photo time...

Ul. Marszałkowska between Królewska and Pl. Bankowy. Fixie races BMW.

Ul. Marszałkowska between Królewska and Pl. Bankowy. Passing trams
Pl. Bankowy, Juliusz Słowacki monument outside Warsaw's City Hall

Ul. Andersa, near Świętojerska

Pl. Inwalidów, rush hour snow

A single-wagon number 6 tram approaches Pl. Wilsona

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Trams are good. Love your photos of Warsaw. Thanks for them.
