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Monday 25 February 2013

Late-winter commuting, northern Jeziorki

Conditions for commuting by car through Jeziorki at this time of year have been made even more unspeakable by the closure of ul. Hołubcowa (below). Work continues on the S2 Southern Warsaw Bypass (Południowa Obwodnica Warszawy), cutting the road in two, while the new viaduct that's going to carry Hołubcowa over the S2 is probably another two years from completion (given the pace at which the Poloneza viaduct was finished).

This means that with the closure of ul. Oberka - for good - the only way to get from Jeziorki to Grabów and Wyczółki beyond other than joining the slow-moving traffic on ul. Puławska - is ul. Poloneza. I've written about this before; a super-duper four-lane viaduct with crash barriers and floodlighting connected to the roads of Jeziorki by 260 metres of mud, below. This, apparently, would cost 500,000 złotys to asphalt, but the city authorities would rather spend six times that sum on a New Year's Eve bash on Pl. Konstytucji.

Meanwhile, people have to go this way to work. The short film below shows just what it's like to take a small car over this stretch of road. The alternative to this is a four-kilometre detour along a road that's already choked to the point of near immobility.

(Thanks to my driver, Marzena, for risking her car's suspension on this 'road'!)

This time four years ago:
Lent and Recession - a nice parallel

This time five years ago:
Early intimations of spring (no such luck this year!)


  1. Nice coverage... But don't expect me to take my car there...

    PS. Puławska today was far from immobility. Getting to P&R Stokłosy around 7 a.m. took me less than 20 minutes and in the afternoon I managed to leave the office early and my journey Stokłosy - home by car lasted from 17:32 to 17:49, without driving more than 70 kmph, there was no such thing as a traffic jam. I also noticed a regularity that traffic gets denser as the week moves on...

  2. Michael,

    Nice to see you joining the Rat Race, covered so many times in your posts :-)

    Best regards,

  3. @ Neighbour -

    Once a week, I get a lift to Poleczki Business Park from Marzena who works there, lives a little way south of us - makes sense - but we are forced to go this way :-(

  4. I know, I have met you on Kórnicka many times - always with pleasure!
