My new online project...

Thursday 25 April 2013

Kestrel on the roof

Looking out of my window, from my desk, I espied this compact bird of prey on the roof of the neighbouring tenement (kamienica). Turns out it's a common kestrel (pustułka zwyczajna). In the background, the towers of St. Saviour's church (kościół Św. Zbawiciela) on Pl. Zabawiciela.

A migratory bird in this part of Europe; I've not seen it here before since moving to this office in late autumn.

This has been the week where the miracle of spring, that powerful explosion of nature, has made itself Most felt. For the past three days, I've sauntered home from work in broad daylight, wearing nothing more than a suit. Today, the top temperature expected is 23C. Leaves are appearing on trees almost overnight; the sun is rising earlier with each day (quarter past five this morning), and setting later with each day (ten to eight this evening). And to think, there was still plentiful snow on the ground just three weeks ago!

This really is the best time of the year for me - full of optimism, brightness and the prospect of long, summer days ahead.

This time last year:
Britain shivers: 6C to 8C in late April

This time two years ago:
Miracle on the Vistula: Spring explodes across Warsaw

This time three years ago:
Collapsing footbridge over Puławska

This time four years ago:
Four-engined jets at 30,000 ft

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