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Sunday 23 June 2013

New views of Jeziorki

The retention ponds on Pozytywki are complete; turf has been planted around their edge, and grass sown above that. The ponds between Trombity and Dumki are ready, but much tidying work is needed before the project is complete - still, there's still four months in which to do it. In the meanwhile, the landscape of Jeziorki has changed for the better, without losing its intrinsic charms. The bird life is still there, the reed beds are (as yet) untouched. A quick view, then of how things look today...

Above: the new retention pond between Dumki and Trombity, looking southward. Once the shores have been tidied, it will be quite wonderful. Ducks and coots here aplenty.

Above: ul. Dumki, no longer impassable as it had been for a couple of years. This stretch of the road should (I hope) be turned into a footpath/cycle path, not asphalted over for motor-vehicle use. We should not lose the rural charm of the place, but make it pleasant for recreational purposes. Banning vehicles would cut down of the amount of rubbish dumped here.

Above: view from one of the gabions creating the retention pond on ul. Kórnicka, looking north towards ul. Baletowa. Note the profusion of black-headed gulls sitting on the further gabions.

Evening, the retention pond on ul. Pozytywki; note the newly-laid turf running down to the water's edge, and the contrasting grass seeded above that. Plenty of ducks around, but the herons have gone.

This time last year:
Motorway finally links (the outskirts of) Łódź and (the outskirts of) Warsaw

This time four years ago:
Kraków Air Museum

This time five years ago:
Quintessential Jeziorki

This time six years ago:
Little boxes, Mysiadło

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