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Sunday 21 July 2013

North Wales in the sun

Back to Penrhos with Eddie, in the midst of a heatwave - a rarity for drizzle-drenched Britain. For once no floods, no storm-lashed coasts. Eddie and I gazed out on the familiar barracks under an unfamiliar azure sky, as crystalline and pure as those that grace Warsaw for much of the summer.

We arrived yesterday - exactly one year after our previous arrival (click on the This time last year section for more about the magic of Penrhos). Today we met up with my brother and his family staying in Morfa Nefyn, just across the Llyn Pensinsula. Making the most of the sunshine, we spent most of the day on the beach at Porthoer (Whistling Sands in English).

Below - that wonderful moment, that first glimpse of the sea from the path leading down to the beach from the National Trust car park (four quid for the day). Our hire car for the holiday a marvellously wonderful little Fiat 500; an absolute delight to drive.

Below: sun, sea and sand, hardly anyone about, and a very pleasant 25C. An idyll.

Below: some thin cloud blew over the sky, but was burnt back soon enough. Surprisingly, after two weeks of hot summer sun, the water in the bay was still too cold for comfortable bathing. Much colder than the Baltic at this time of year! Can anyone identify this cloud formation (looking like mashed potatoes)?

Below: early afternoon, and the beach is quite busy. Incidentally, observing the sunbathers, I notice that these days it's very easy to affect being middle class in Britain - simply don't get a tattoo.

Fingers crossed for more weather like this - infinitely nicer than roasting on the Med. Then back to my brother's for a slap-up dinner after which we watched the finale of the Tour de France; a second British rider wins for a second year in a row. Great news for cycling in Britain - bike sales will pick up, more people will cycle to work, more cycle paths, better for health... a virtuous circle.

This time last year:
Back at Penrhos

This time three years ago:
A farewell to Dobra

1 comment:

  1. Michael,

    The clouds are probably altocumulus but if they were higher altitude might be cirrocumulus.

