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Tuesday 2 July 2013

Serious cycling

I managed 35.6 km on the bike today, a lot of to-ing and fro-ing between meetings. One little observation - cycling burns up masses of calories. The vegetarian business lunch at the Tandoor Palace on Al. Armii Ludowej is big, and heavy on carbohydrates, but by the time I was back in Grabów with five kilometres still to go, I'd burned all it all up and was in dire need of calories. A quick snack on some kabanosy from the 24-hour grocery store between Głuszcza and Akustyczna and I'm on my way again.

Breakfast - bacon, beans and fried bread - a hearty English breakfast - got me over the first 24km without any problems. But a cyclist's lunch really does require something more substantial than goodly amounts of lentils, chapattis, rice, potato curry and a plain yoghurt.

There's still too few people using their bikes to get to work in this fine weather. We can now check easily if rush-hour rain is expected (click on - then select the 60-hour Model UM forecast for Warszawa). The 60-hour forecast is fairly accurate; the 84-hour COAMPS forecast is better than it was, but I'd not bet on it.

At this time of year, cycling to work is a great way of beating the jams, getting exercise, getting fit for the beach, and saving the planet while you're at it.

Above: the bike crossing on Puławska; cyclists from Ursynów heading to work. Across the road is Poleczki and its cycle path that connects Ursynów to Okęcie airport via Poleczki Business Park.

By the way - have you also noticed that the amount of visibly obese people on the streets of Warsaw has risen in the past few years? The city's increased wealth has turned some of those with slower metabolic rates, bigger appetites and a lower propensity to exercise into rather large and unhealthy specimens. Poland risks going the way of Britain and America. Summer in Our City is nature's way of saying - "forego the car - walk, run or cycle wherever you can".

If you live in the distant exurbs - cycle to the nearest station, Park+Ride or bus stop. But do please leave that car at home if possible at this time of year.

This time two years ago:
Outlets for creativity

This time three years ago:
The day I stopped commuting to work by car

This time four years ago:
Look up at the Towers of London

This time five years ago:
Wild deer in the Las Kabacki forest


  1. Hmmm .... Are you insinuating that you have spied me on my bike?

    "By the way - have you also noticed that the amount of visibly obese people on the streets of Warsaw has risen noticeably in the past few years?"


  2. Bob - by American standards, you're the very model of a trim figure!
