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Saturday 17 August 2013

Two Warsaw sunsets over water

The nights are drawing in, we're now closer to equinox than to solstice so each day is getting noticeably shorter. The sun now rises before half past five am and sets before eight pm - we've lost over an hour of daylight at the beginning and end of each day.

Below: today's sunset over the Vistula, with that aspiring skyline of Our City pushing on every upward. Though the temperature was still 25C as the sun set, this (unPhotoshopped) image looks like gilded ice - la glace doré...

Friday's sunset, a bit more parochial - the pond on ul. Pozytywki here in Jeziorki, below, with many ducks, ducklings, coots and cootlings settling down for the night. The sun has set, but the street lights are not yet on.

This time last year:
Ten minutes over Warsaw

This time two years ago:
Warszawa Zachodnia - before the remont

This time three years ago:
Happiness, Polish-style

This time four years ago:
And watch the river flow...

This time six years ago:
Armed forces' day parade

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