My new online project...

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Call 19115 Warsaw fix-my-street

Passing the Palace of Culture on Monday, I noticed a huge billboard on it bearing the number 19115 and the Syrena, the mermaid symbol of Warsaw in the corner, and the word 'Warszawa' above the '115' (click to enlarge). I was none the wiser until I saw today's Gazeta Stołeczna, which explained all. Launched on Monday by our mayor Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, who remains in office after an inquorate referendum to remove her, this is a new one-stop shop service enabling citizens to notify urban problems such as pot-holes or broken street lamps. Below: the Palace of Culture, now flanked by Zlota 44 to its left (with a hideous blue neon stripe running up its side) and the Cosmopolitan building to the right.

A Warsaw-only service mirroring the UK's FixMyStreet, Warszawa19115 is a phone number, website and smart-o-fon app that channels all complaints onto one desk where... they will get fixed? We shall see...

What's already apparent is that Ms Gronkiewicz-Waltz is not intending to waste the months before the next local authority elections. Last month's referendum served as a wake-up call; if anything, it will prompt her into greater activity, thus increasing her chances of being re-elected for a third term of office.

My wish list for Warszawa19115? Clear up the mess left by builders of ul. Kórnicka /ul. Dumki. The retention ponds are finished, but there's a lot of rubble and muck left behind. Provide ul. Karczunkowska with a pavement. Put asphalt down on ul. Poloneza between ul. Krasnowolska and ul. Poleczki. Put asphalt down on ul. Hołubcowa (about 80% of it is still a dirt track). And get on with it before the elections.

I've just registered the state of affairs on ul. Kórnicka on; I'll keep you informed as to progress. As of now, I've had an e-mail confirming that my complaint has been noted.

UPDATE: Two days later, Thursday, 7 November. I get this message from the City Hall...
Zgłoszenie o numerze 104155/13 zarejestrowane w dniu 05-11-2013 o godzinie 22:33:58 uzyskało status: Zamknięte.
Jesteśmy do Państwa dyspozycji 24 godziny na dobę przez 7 dni w tygodniu.
Zapraszamy na Portal
Z poważaniem, Urząd Warszawy.
Let's run that through Google Translate...
Report number 104155/13 registered on 05-11-2013 at 10:33:58 p.m. obtained Status: Closed.
We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Welcome to the portal
Sincerely, The City Warsaw. 
This time last year:
Vapour trails at sunset

This time two years ago:
Autumnal blues

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