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Saturday 1 February 2014

Snowdrifts and trains in winter

I have written before (here and here) about the danger of snowdrifts on railway lines and how PKP's answer has been to erect wooden fences along tracksides threatened with drifting.

This year, they've not been put up - cutbacks at PKP PLK? Below: a bank of snow visibly encroaching upon the tracks, a pile of snow fences stand undeployed by the trackside (to the right of the trees), between W-wa Dawidy and W-wa Okęcie stations, on the unelectrified line serving the coal trains to Siekierki power station. Click to expand photo.

Below: The trains must get through - though fitted with a small snow-plough under its nose, and with the weight of 40 fully laden coal wagons behind it, it's entirely feasible that a huge overnight snowfall, piled up by high winds, could halt the train taking feedstock to the power station. Smoking away, Gagar ST44-1081 in PKP Cargo livery hauls up the light incline towards W-wa Jeziorki.

The coal train has a locomotive at both ends, with an SM42 shunter bringing up the rear (below). To the right, a Koleje Mazowieckie passenger service to Radom stops at W-wa Jeziorki.

This will be the winter of "Sorry, taki mamy klimat", infrastructure minister Elżbieta Bienkowska's poorly chosen words reflecting a sorry fatalism that belie the fact that Poland's railwaymen can do more to ensure smooth running of trains throughout the season - such as putting out the drift fences.

May I suggest that PKP sets up the equivalent of Warsaw's 19115 'fix-my-street' service?

This time two years ago:
Back to the blackboard
(on the superiority of Polish schools to British ones)

This time four years ago: This time two years ago:
Greed, fear, fight-and-flight - and the weather

This time five years ago:
Where the new motorways will meet

This time six years ago:
Crocuses blooming in London

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