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Sunday 20 April 2014

New roads to join Karczunkowska from the south?

Following a tip-off from Marcin Daniecki, I took a stroll to the site of the new Biedronka store by PKP W-wa Jeziorki to see whether the access road will be connected to Mysiadło. Not in the near future, is my verdict, though the access road has been built in such a way as to make it possible to extend through to ul. Borówki in Mysiadło, although that's likely to be years into the future.

Below: the junction of the new access road looking east down ul. Karczunkowska. Note the new Piesi ('pedestrians') roadsign. So much cheaper than actually building a pavement.

Below: the weighbridge station is a reminder of the old rampa na kruszywa (aggregates loading station) that once stood here. Sando Inmobilieria's plans to build a huge estate here with several hundred new dwellings came to naught, although the Spanish developer did manage to raze the loading ramp to the ground. The land nearest Karczunkowska has been used to build a shop (in the distance), so at least that's come in useful.

Below: the end of the (access) road. Note the radius of the pavement and the profile of the kerb - the access road has been built in such as way as to accommodate an extension of ul. Borówki through to Karczunkowska - although on my walk in the direction of Mysiadło, I saw no sign that this might be coming in the foreseeable future.

On then, to check out the situation on ul. Kurantów. Could this road be extended southwards towards Nowa Wola and the new estates that have sprouted up round the back of Zgorzała?

It would be a great shame if that were to happen.Ul. Kurantów is a peaceful cul-de-sac, with a pedestrian gate at the southern end allowing walkers to head east towards ul. Gogolińska, which runs parallel.

Below: passing through the gate and turning right, an abandoned farmstead. Looking around here, I cannot see any way of extending Kurantów southwards; to do so, it would have to run through private land, which is too expensive around here for the local authorities - especially since both Warsaw and Lesznowola gmina would be involved.

It would make more sense for Lesznowola to tarmac ul. Gogolińska (it is tarmacked up to Warsaw's boundary). At least this 'road' currently exists. At the south end, Gogolińska connects up with the new estate beyond (below). Click to enlarge; note Mysiadło ends where Warsaw Jeziorki leaves off. Someone's stolen the 'Warsaw ends here' from the post on the right.

Below: looking north towards Jeziorki beyond the treeline. Gogolińska is a dirt track, the width of one car; extending it through to the new estate would mean buying land on either side to widen it so cars could pass.

Below: provisional footpath from ul. Gogolińska to the platform at W-wa Jeziorki station. It's visible from space (check it out on Google Earth). To get from here to the station the official way requires a detour of over a third of a kilometre, and risking heavy traffic at the level crossing. Of course, it is neither the duty of PKP PLK nor of ZDM, Warsaw's road administration, to formalise this footpath for the convenience and safety of passengers. Each working day, over 70 cars park along ul. Gogolińska; it is an informal park+ride solution for drivers wishing to catch a train in Zone One.

My guess is that things will stay as they are for many years. People living in Mysiadło, Nowa Wola and Zgorzała will remain without an alternative to ul. Puławska or ul. Postępu.

This time last year:
Lighter, longer lens

This time two years ago:
Warsaw's grand Central Station

This time four years ago:
Making sense of Polish politics

1 comment:

  1. This road and the convenience can bring to us. A few minor problems may be encountered but will return to normal pulse.
