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Saturday 31 May 2014

Jeziorki, magic hour, late-May

After a lengthy afternoon nap, time for a walk, just as the sun was sinking low. Now that the retention ponds are complete, Jeziorki has become even more attractive as a place to live. Ul. Dumki, once an impassible bog and dumping ground for fly-tipped rubbish, is now somewhere you want to walk. The further, unasphalted reaches of the road can be turned into a muddy mess whenever it rains by car tyres, so it would be good so see it turned into a footpath/cycle path closed off for cars. And the main purpose of the redevelopment of this area, flood prevention, is working fine as the past few days of heavy rain have not resulted in soggy fields and bits of Jeziorki under water.

Known by film-makers as 'the magic hour', 30 minutes before and after the sun sets, this period of the day when accompanied by the right weather, touches the soul. Click on the photos below to enlarge and enjoy. A minimal amount of tweaking of saturation and vividity in Adobe Lightroom was used to get the sense of what I saw and felt.

Soundtrack in my mind as I did the 4km circular walk - the Beach Boys' sublime Surf's Up.

This time last year:
Railway history - the big picture

This time three years ago:
New lick of paint for Powiśle

This time four years ago:
The secrets of success - intelligence, drive and luck

1 comment:

  1. Utterly magical chronicle of the 'inbetween time', the way it enacts with our search for spiritual significance and joy.

    Frater Vitae
