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Monday 23 June 2014

Local news

Nine and half months after the first signs that Jeziorki is about to get a Biedronka store, here it comes. Due on Thursday, officially announced at last. Below: appearing on ul. Karczunkowska, a banner proclaiming the new shop will open on Thursday 26 June. (Can't make the opening, guys, I'm flying to Yorkshire.)

Soon the car park will be full (the number of potential shoppers within walking range of the shop is no more than a hundred or so). But today, the shop's shelves are being filled with product. Known for being the second-cheapest chain in Poland after the all-conquering Auchan (fabulous range, quality and low prices), Portuguese-owned Biedronka has a good reputation for Portuguese wines. Anything else? We'll see.

The presence of a Lidl one-third of the way between home and Auchan has not changed my preference for the latter. Lidl is good for a) Biernacki 'Beefmaster' steaks, b) healthy, unbleached, uncoloured toilet paper, c) 25cl bottles of Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon (good feldalkohol) d) Balcerzak's Most excellent kiełbasa polska surowa długodojrzewająca, e) a wide variety of interesting offers, none of which are ever repeated (pair of non-matching cycling gloves, 1zł.). By this time next week, I'll be able to tell you what I think about Biedronka. It is, after all, in terms of turnover and number of stores, Poland's no. 1 retailer, ahead of Tesco.

Above: locals are puzzled by this new and mysterious zebra crossing. It links two dirt tracks, which become impassable in winter and during wet spells. What do we want? A PAVEMENT FOR KARCZUNKOWSKA. When do we want it? NOW!!! Even more mysteriously, there's a sign proclaiming the end of a cycle path, where no cycle path has been provided.

Other news: at the far end of Karczunkowska, where it meets ul. Puławska, a new billboard has popped up. It is large, and strategically positioned to be visible if you are in a traffic jam on one street or the other.

Warsaw's policy on large-format outdoor advertising is chaotic and controversial; personally, I'm not too fussed if the ads are well-presented and up-market. I can't abide bad design and poor choice of typeface.

Left: seen from a long way down Karczunkowska (photo taken with lens zoomed out to 300mm). In the morning rush hour (and on summer Sunday evenings too), traffic's backed up all the way to ul. Pozytywki or even Trombity, so drivers will get a good chance to look at the new billboard. I can't tell, however, whether it's on private land (on the corner of Puławska and Karmazynowa) or on the pavement owned by the city. Jeziorki is slowly changing, changing for the better, the more civilised. But while it's good to get new shops, tidier outdoor advertising - and Most important of all, town drains - the thing that's most sorely needed round here is pavements.

Below: if your lawn is disfigured by moles, apply Mr Dembo's special sauce. At the first sign of talpine activity - let 'em have it! A single application of ten litres, poured directly into the tunnel, should keep your lawn molehill-free for years.

Finally - if you live round these parts, you have until next week to vote in how Ursynów's Budżet Partycypacyjny for 2015 will be spent. This is a great, civilising initiative, setting aside a part of the city's budget for its citizens to come up with ideas for spending it. There are two directly related to Jeziorki - no. 28 (a nature trail along ul. Dumki) and no. 43 (a park next to the newly-renovated lakes). It's up to us to vote for them. Voting is easy and quick - you just need to know your PESEL number. Click here to vote!

This time last year:
New views of Jeziorki

This time two years ago:
Motorway finally links (the outskirts of) Łódź and (the outskirts of) Warsaw

This time five years ago:
Kraków Air Museum

This time six years ago:
Quintessential Jeziorki

This time seven years ago:
Little boxes, Mysiadło


  1. What is Mr Dembo's special sauce?

  2. Purest undiluted human male urine, left to ferment for three years... Absolutely, totally, utterly guaranteed to keep moles OFF your lawn for ages.

  3. Michael,
    Tomorrow (Monday) there is a meeting with Mayor Guział in Gimnazjum, Kajakowa 10, at 18.00.
    Maybe a chance to ask about KarcUnkowska pavement?

    Best regards,
