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Saturday 14 June 2014

Poppies in bloom, Jeziorki

For the last few weeks, poppies have been blooming across Jeziorki. They are at their best in mid-June, fading by mid-July. Below: a field on ul. Trombity with cornflowers vying for attention with poppies

Below: looking across towards Zamienie, ul. Dawidowska in the distance, ul. Kórnicka (just a path on this side of the railway tracks) to the right.

Below: the trackside is resplendent with a profusion of poppies and other wildflowers. Looking south towards W-wa Jeziorki station.

Below: a town-bound Koleje Mazowieckie train from Radom, the modernised EN57 stock.

Below: another Koleje Mazowieckie train passes the other way, heading for Skarżysko-Kamienna.

Below: taken last Saturday around the same spot.

Below: taken on Tuesday 10 June from the far end of the platform on W-wa Jeziorki station, looking towards Nowa Iwiczna. A fair sprinkling of poppies as far as the eye can see.

This time four years ago:
Historical photos of work in progress on the S79

This time seven years ago:
The year nears its zenith

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