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Saturday 27 December 2014

Yesterday's walk revisited, with snow

The Met Office issued a yellow warning, with snow forecast for much of the UK. And so it was; soon after darkness fell yesterday, it started snowing here in Duffield - great, wet snowflakes. Would they melt by the morning?

I beheld the answer as I opened the bedroom window... wintry gorgeousness, served English style.

After a spot of lens-shopping in Derby a trip back up Hob Hill, Hazelwood, in my brother's car - fortunately fitted with winter tyres (still a rarity here - our rented car doesn't have them). Without winter tyres, the ascent of Hob Hill would have ended in failure. Snow-plough gritters were out and about, making the going a bit easier on the main roads. Below: the churchyard of St. John the Evangelist. From here I shall walk back to Duffield.

Equipped with 55-300mm zoom lens, I can pick out distant features across the landscape.

And when the sun lights up the distant slopes, the Derbyshire winter looks Most agreeable...

Below: the crossroads between Hazelwood and Duffield

For those readers who saw the film Papusza, this field reminds me of the final sequence, with the gypsy caravan moving slowly away from camera as the closing credits roll.

Below: blue sky over a working farm in winter. There's livestock to be fed...

Below: it's that 2CV again, this time under a few inches of snow.

More snow expected overnight, and tomorrow's temperature as low as -5C. Warsaw, meanwhile, is experiencing -6C (no big news there).

This time last year:
Is Britain over-golfed?

This time two years:
Everybody's out on the road today

This time three years ago:
50% off and nothing to pay till June 2016

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures - they really capture the countryside dusted with holiday snow. Makes me yearn to be there.
