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Wednesday 11 March 2015

My apologies - a correction. Line M1 and M2 are directly connected

Two commentators have rightly pointed out that my last post contained a factual error (now corrected) - there is an underground passage between Lines M1 and M2 of the Warsaw Metro, which allows passengers to change trains without having to go up to near surface level, leave the system, check back in and descend to the other line.

The passage linking the two lines is at the southern end of the Line M1 platform (ie. back of northbound trains for Młociny, front of southbound trains for Kabaty). It's not particularly well signed, so if you are at the front of a northbound train or the back of a southbound train, you will pass two sets of escalators taking you up from the platform to level -1.

Below: if you get off a northbound Line M1 train, the passage to Line M2 is not immediately visible (it's behind the pillar to the right)

Below: still at Line M1 platform level - the top of the escalators leading down to Line M2. Note two 'up' escalators and one 'down' escalator.

Below: heading down the escalators. There is a lift option for wheelchair users, and raised floor markers for the visually challenged.

Below: at the bottom of this set of escalators, a short passage, then a staircase. View looking the other way towards the escalators to Line M1. Looks like the budget ran out for a second set of escalators. At busy times, it feels dangerously crowded, when four sets of trains arrive within minutes of each other, each disgorging passengers who wish to change lines here.

Below: finally down on the platform for Line M2. The passage linking the two lines is at the western end of the platform (so back of the eastbound trains headed for Dworzec Wileński, front of the westbound trains for Rondo Daszyńskiego).

It's not yet as obvious as in London, but Line M1 is colour-coded blue, and Line M2 red. Like the Piccadilly and Central lines respectively.

Thanks to readers An Lukasz and Marcin for pointing out my error, which prompted today's revisit and photos. Duly corrected on previous post.

Update 12 March: Take a look at this story on TVN Warszawa, pointing out just how bad signage is for the direct interchange between the two lines. [Thanks Marcin K]

This time three years ago:
Nikkor 45mm f2.8 pancake lens tested

This time four years ago:
Old Town, another prospect

This time five years ago:
W-wa Śródmieście - commuters' staging post

This time six years ago:
Filthy ul. Poloneza
[Three years on, nothing's changed...]

This time seven years ago:
A sight that heralds the coming of spring


  1. Taking the quick passage saves some three minutes!

  2. The outcome though is inevitable. M1 to M2 in the morning and M2 to M1 in the afternoon.

    Or maybe keeping it quiet by not "over" signing will keep savvy Praga hipsters happy. Pensioners are probably better off going up and down anyway.

    The limitations are down to the M1 build. Maybe M4 with a diagonal might solve the problem eventually.
