My new online project...

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Swans, dusk, Jeziorki

Walking home along ul. Dumki, I caught this pair of swans flying low over the pond, sunset in the background. Photos like this are the pay-off for having a camera around my neck all the time!

I could hear a lot of honking and flapping and splashing; four swans were making a commotion at the far end of the pond. The swans were in playful mood, chasing one another across the full length of the wetlands; taking a long run-up (literally; running along the water) before managing to get airborne, then staying low, just over the surface.

One coming back the other way...

And all was quiet and still at this end, the swans, exhausted by their high-speed, low-altitude chases, landed in the water and calmly resumed dredging up weeds from the bottom.

This time last year:
Joe Biden in Warsaw for talks after Crimea invasion

This time three years ago:
Motive power for the coal and oil trains that pass Jeziorki

This time seven years ago:
Sleet, snow, no sign of spring

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