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Sunday 21 June 2015

Midsummer Day, Jeziorki

Why is the first day of astronomical summer suddenly 'midsummer'? Anyway, for the record, today the sun rose over Jeziorki at 04:14 and set at 21:01, giving 16 hours and 47 minutes of daylight. From here, it's downhill all the way to the Winter Solstice on 22 December, although the lengthening night only becomes noticeable towards the end of July.'s apocalyptic predictions of a deluge that's off the scale (i.e more than 30 litres of rain falling per square metre per hour) have come to nought for the second day in a row. It put me off a longer expedition, instead I did two circuits of my local patch. So here then, the splendour of midsummer's day in Jeziorki. God's Own Suburb.

Below: between the railway line and ul. Trombity. Silver birches, fields of green, tracks reveal sandy soil beneath.

Below: the sun casts its sparkle on the surface of the ponds between ul. Trombity and ul. Dumki.

Below: the resident swans are doing well, with a clutch of six growing cygnets.

Below: ul. Dumki, beyond the asphalt, the rutted path now dry and baked hard; it's muddy and almost impassable to those in well-shod feet in the winter and early spring.

Below: glorious wheatfields, between Jeziorki and Dawidy Bankowe. Click to listen to this on YouTube, move slider to 4:13, then click to enlarge the photo. Enrapture yourself for two minutes and 14 seconds, meditating on this image.

The threatened storms did not materialise over Jeziorki. They may have affected neighbouring parts of Mazovia. Below: a rather spectacular cloud formation snapped from the balcony.

Time for another walk. Below: the way from ul. Trombity to a house on Dumki. The setting sun sheds beautiful light on the landscape.

Below: ul. Kórnicka, a puddle on the roadway suggests that here, just a mile up the road, there was rain today, while at the other end of ul. Trombity, it remained dry.

Below: the pedestrian railway crossing at the west end of ul. Kórnicka. The asphalt doesn't go this far. The sun is setting NNW, 312 degrees, the furthest north it will reach.

A beautiful day, the meteorological uncertainty adding some spice. Over two walks I clocked up over 18,000 paces (14.5km)!

This time two years ago:
Kittens at six weeks

This time four years ago:
And the Lord spake unto the tribe of Hipsters

This time five years ago:
Exit polls can get it wrong

This time six years ago:
In search of good Polish beer
[Situation's much improved, I'm delighted to say!]

This time seven years ago:
In the Solstice garden

1 comment:

  1. These photos are part of the reason I live around here. Thanks for posting them, it reminds me I need to get out and explore more.
