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Thursday 22 October 2015

Ogórek by the Palace of Culture

On my way to work today from W-wa Śródmieście across the coach terminal in front of the Palace of Culture - a double-take in the week the internet brought us the Chinese floating city and the Back To The Future 2 hoverboard - a floating hoverbus? No - this is the back end of the Jelcz 043 bus - a common sight in communist Poland. Built under licence from Škoda, it is characterised by its long rear overhang, making the rear seats a bad choice for passengers with motion sickness.

This particular bus on heritage black on yellow heritage number plates has been beautifully restored and looks the piece parked outside the Palace of Culture. Were it not for the resolutely 21st Century backdrop of Złota 44, Warsaw Financial Centre and Q22 (under construction to the right), plus the cars, this scene could have been taken 50 years ago.

Good to see that enthusiasts are keeping these wonderful old vehicles going. Nicknamed ogórek or 'cucumber', the best time to see and indeed ride on this bus is during Warsaw's Noc Muzeów ('Museum Night') when fleets of Ogórki ferry participants from museum to museum free of charge.

This time four years ago:
Autumnal dusk, Jeziorki

This time eight years ago:
Autumn sun going out


  1. Nice one! And sometimes there's even a little parade of old vehicles at the same place, like here back in May 2014: 1) Cabriolet bus: Or here: And the bus mentioned by you but in a extended version: And not to miss, an old Ikarus bus:

  2. @ BerndZ

    Wouldn't it be lovely to see (or even photoshop) a cabriolet version of the extended/articulated Ogórek? :-)

    Thanks for the links!
