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Sunday 13 December 2015

Jeziorki's ponds from the air

Flying in yesterday I had excellent conditions for snapping Jeziorki. It was around noon, the day was overcast, so no sharp shadows,and  I had a great seat (3A). A rare opportunity, then, to see how the ponds are doing after the summer's drought. So - from south to north, as my airliner approaches Warsaw Okęcie airport, photos taken from an altitude of around 300ft.

Below: the tarmacked, southern end of ul. Dumki. The water levels didn't go down too far in the southern pond. To the left of this pic, between the trees, there's a small canal linking the southern pond to the middle pond. This summer it was bone-dry.

Below: the middle pond was the most drought-stricken, but recent rains have started to raise the water level, especially at the southern end. It was here that at the height of the drought I could cross the pond in office shoes and not even muddy them.

Below: the northern end, with gabions creating a water retention pond by ul. Kórnicka. The area between Dumki and Trombity here is the remains of the wetlands, left as a wildlife sanctuary for birds - here we have herons, marsh harriers and black-faced gulls.

Next year should bring the development of a park around ul. Dumki, with a footpath and cycle path, fitness equipment and other amenities. Let's hope this body of water will not be spoiled.

This time last year:
Snow or no snow?

This time three years ago:
Old manual-focus Nikkor 28mm lens attached to Nikon D40

This time five years ago:
What's the Polish for 'pattern'?

This time eight years ago:
"Rorate caeli de super nubes pluant justum..."

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