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Friday 24 March 2017

Warsaw photo catch-up

Warsaw is changing rapidly; landmarks of the city centre are being replaced with new buildings. Below: the PKO Rotunda, on the corner of ul. Marszałkowska and Al. Jerozolimskie. Completed in 1966, it suffered serious damage as the result of a gas explosion that killed 49 people in February 1979. It was repaired and reopened eight months later. Plans to tear it down and replace it with a similar building were scotched last week, when the conservator of heritage buildings stopped the Rotunda's demolition. What happens next, we'll see.

Next door to the Rotunda was the Universal building (Al. Jerozolimskie 44). A mere 14 stories high, it was pulled down last month. All that's left now is rubble (below).

Below: a new retail and office development rises up on the site of the old Sezam shop, demolished two years ago. Work on the new building seems to have slowed down of late.

Below: this view will change within the next few years, as the Varso Tower will start to rise up in the gap on the horizon. Located on the western corner of Al. Jana Pawła II and Al. Jerozolimskie, Varso Tower will become Warsaw's highest building, higher than the Palace of Culture. Its viewing gallery will be twice the height of the one on the Palace's 30th floor.

Below: the Palace of Culture snapped from ul. Sienna. A contrast between the beginning and the end of the second half of the 20th Century

Below: W-wa Śródmieście station building. The two symmetrical pavilions were designed to complement the Palace of Culture, which stands behind. The above-ground part of the station is due to be demolished in the comprehensive redevelopment of this area.

Below: ul. Świętokrzyska between ul. Marszałkowska and ul. Emilii Plater. I've written about the demolition of the Emilia building; it will be re-erected in Park Świętokrzyski, between the street and the north side of the Palace of Culture. When rebuilt, it will face this row of shops.

The clocks finally go forward this weekend; this will be the last week that I go home in the dark for the next six or so months.

This time last year:
Conscious of being conscious

This time three years ago:
New road and retail

This time five years ago:
Warsaw's Northern Bridge - its name and local democracy

This time seven years ago:
What's Polish for 'commuter'?

This time eight years ago:
Four weeks into Lent

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