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Sunday 16 April 2017

Easter everywhere

Lent 2017 is over. At midnight, I opened the first of three different Chimay beers from the Trappist monastery at Scourmont to consume with Eddie. This morning for breakfast I grilled some English lamb chops (available from Biedronka). The time for self-denial is over, but self-restraint remains important. Above all, being mindful, aware, conscious - for as much of the day as possible.

Weatherwise, it wasn't good today; the temperature struggled to rise above 5C; rain and strong northerly winds and dark clouds in mid-April are unusual. However, in the early evening, as forecast, the clouds rolled southward, the sky brightened and it was time for a walk; time to contemplate in the strong low-angled light of a setting sun.

By the ponds, bird life has erupted; swallows dart across the surface of the water, seeking low-flying insects, they dart this way and that, never touching the pond. The black-headed gulls are noisy at this time of year; coots and moorhens are also to be seen. Spring feels subdued by the low temperatures (at dawn tomorrow, it will be down to below 0C), yet the blooms are on the trees, the hares charge across the fields, the sun sets after half-past seven.

I cross the tracks at ul. Kórnicka and walk across the fields that before too long will be full of road-building equipment as the S79 is extended southwards to join the S7. A huge convenience, bringing the European motorway network to within 2km of our house (it's currently 4.5km from home to the S2 junction with Puławska), but another chunk of rural peace will disappear for good. Such is progress. You win this, you lose that.

Three hillocks of building materials await the road builders. I scramble to the top of the northernmost one and watch the planes flying into Okęcie. While Runway 33 is having its annual remont, planes are landing over Ursynów. Below: familiar landmarks on Warsaw's skyline and a LOT Polish Airlines Bombardier Dash 8 Q400 in Ptasie Mleczko livery coming into land.

Look at the photo above; between the expressway junction (you can see it from the road lamps, click to enlarge) to where I'm standing, the S7 will come charging through those farmhouses and fields.

Lent is over, but we should strive to remain connected with the Infinite and Eternal, we must not lose sight of the connection between our individual lives and the unravelling of the Universe. Take the opportunity of Lent to heal the body - one eighth of the year - to cut out the things that harm your body, keep it in good shape - for a reason. 

For within that body resides a consciousness, a mind that can learn, can teach, can feel, can respond, that can improve our lot on this earth.

Be joyful. But be serious.

This time seven years ago:
Strange days indeed

[link to video of the blog post, courtesy of Nick Morris]

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