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Wednesday 5 April 2017

Happy 94th Birthday to my father!

My father Bohdan Dembinski reaches the amazing age of 94 years old today, and remains in astoundingly good shape. His fortitude and resilience gives me great strength. I am full of admiration for the way he tackles the challenges of everyday life (does the car battery need changing, or is the problem with the wiring of the alarm?) - armed with patient determination, the quiet triumph of jobs done, tasks accomplished.

My father leads a healthy life, eating fresh vegetables and fruit, walking, and spending time in the garden. He also has a positive outlook on life and keeps cheerful, a source of inspiration to me. I look forward to calling him in the evening, hearing how his day has been. An amazing life, from the Nazi invasion of Poland, the occupation, the Warsaw Uprising, incarceration in Stalag X B, life as a newcomer to the British Isles, a career in civil engineering, working well into his 70th year - and still so much to do! A supercentenarian in the making! Sto lat and then a whole lot more, Dziadzio!

This time last year
HOT! 24C in Warsaw

This time two years ago:
COLD! Snowy Easter Sunday in Warsaw

This time three years ago:
Happy 91st to my father!

This time four years ago:
My father at 90

This time five years ago:
An independent Scotland - what if?

This time six years ago:
Królikarnia - Warsaw's 'rabbit house'

This time nine years ago:
My father at 85

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Mr Dembinski!
    Multos Annos!
