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Monday 10 April 2017

Spring comes to Jeziorki; pond path unfolds

With weather gorgeous again, I walk home from W-wa Dawidy station to see what progress has taken place around out ponds. It's going well. The blue sky, the flowering plants, the trees coming into leaf - all extremely lovely (only sore point is all the litter left around here by the unmindful). Within a few weeks the path running along the east side of the pond will be complete.

Below: from the top of a pile of stones destined for the path, I get a better perspective looking south - and look - there will be a small sandy beach here!

Below: view from the beach, looking across to the backs of houses on ul. Trombity. Just six weeks ago, I was walking over this stretch of water, still frozen.

Below: looking northward from the top of a small heap of stones; to the left of the pic you can see a group of anglers who've come by van for some evening fishing.

Below: the tranquility of Jeziorki on a spring evening. The new path alongside the middle pond.

Below: bonus pic - our office windows were washed today, removing the grime and smoggy particles that had settled on the glass over the winter. Silhouettes of the cleaners projected sharply on the blinds.

The time last year:
Speeches for Leaders, by Charles Crawford, reviewed

This time two years ago:
In Memoriam

This time four years ago:
Warszawa 1935: 3D film reconstructs lost city

This time five years ago:
Cats and awareness

This time seven years ago:
Why did this happen?

This time eight years ago:
Britain's grey squirrels turning red

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