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Monday 3 July 2017

Culvert cuts across the tracks

The culvert built under the tracks while the Warsaw-Radom line was being modernised needs to be strengthened so as coal trains can pass over the (non-electrified) line. So in the height of summer, with adequate stocks at Siekierki power station, the coal line has been closed, the culvert - and indeed the line right back to the Okęcie sidings - is being upgraded.

Below: heavy plant has been traversing the fields between ul. Kórnicka and the tracks. Existing footpaths have been ploughed under by the tracks of diggers and cranes.

Below: tracks lifted for the work. It's taking some time, looks like it'll take more to finish. While the work's going on, the new signalling for the coal train line (just behind the culvert) waits to be swivelled 90 degrees into position.

Below: the level crossing at ul. Baletowa. Still no sign of barriers - probably waiting for the track-work to be completed. Note the puddle on the corner of Baletowa and ul. Hołubcowa; there's a lack of a storm drain here. On wet days, pedestrians have to wander across two lanes of traffic to get to the pavement beyond with dry feet. Dangerous. But it looks like drainage is coming.

Below: the culvert under the north end of ul. Trombity where it meets Kórnicka is also being upgraded. Storms are becoming more frequent with greater volumes of rain, so the drainage system must be ready for them.

Below: a photo with much going on. To the right, behind the trees, the end of the S79 (if you click to enlarge you can see the road lighting). Overhead, a USAF C-17 transport plane, one of several of the retinue of Trump what flies into Warsaw later this week. In the distance, centre right, workmen in orange work on the coal line as it crosses over the S2 on its way to Okęcie sidings. And in the middle of frame, the green light announcing the line is clear for the train to take me to work.

Below: my train home this evening, one of the older three-window EN57 electric multiple units still in service, this one having undergone a gentle modernisation just this year.

The glory that is Jeziorki today. Gladly do I get ofp the train at W-wa Dawidy to walk home 3,000 paces this way, rather than continue one stop to W-wa Jeziorki to walk the 1,700 paces home along pavement-free ul. Karczunkowska. Healthier and safer.

UPDATE WEDS 5 JULY: Coal trains are beginning to run again. Saw one this morning, a modernised TEM2/ST48 hauling (on its own) a massive rake of 50 full coal wagons towards Siekierki.

UPDATE THURS 20 JULY: For a few weeks, a train connecting Kraków Główny and Olsztyn Główny, calling at Kielce, Radom, and Warsaw on the way, has been passing through Jeziorki. Below: taken on 14 July at 19:59, this is the InterCity Orłowicz train between W-wa Jeziorki and W-wa Dawidy.

This time last year:
USAF aircraft over Jeziorki ahead of NATO summit

This time three years ago:
Jeziorki's new Biedronka store

This time four years ago:
In the highways and the hedges

This time five years ago
How Warsaw's public transport authority communicates with passengers

This time six years ago:
Farewell to separate alcohol tills at Polish supermarkets

This time seven years ago:
Twin turboprop cargo planes at Okęcie

This time eight years ago:
To the countryside, Czachówek

This time nine years ago:
Why I feel freer in Poland than in the UK

This time ten years ago:


  1. @ Bernd

    Yes indeed, your comment me prompted me to upload a photo of said train :-)

  2. Nice one! the idea is good to improve the connection between Warsaw and Radom. However if PKP continues in their typical style, it will not work (e.g. selling no connecting tickets on their website - in 2017??). Also the average speed of 50km/h for an Intercity train might not be the best incentive..
