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Sunday 9 July 2017

S7 extension - last summer of quiet

Following up on last week's post about the S7 extension from the airport to Grójec, I'll zoom in to consider the local effects on the road. This summer will probably be the last in which the land between the railway line and Dawidy Bankowe lies quiet. Walking there today, not a soul in sight, the sound of skylarks above me, I sensed the end of an era approaching. Next summer, if all goes well, bulldozers will have carved a wide scar through the land, and slowly Warsaw will get its expressway south. I enumerated the benefits last week - losing the tranquil fields across the tracks is the price we pay.

Below: I superimposed the Siskom map onto a Google Maps satellite image. It looks like ul. Kórnicka will once again cross the tracks (though viaduct or level crossing - this is not marked). Just round the back of the Action distribution centre in Zamienie will be a junction, though again, its exact layout is not clear. There will be a network of service roads, and a viaduct carrying ul. Sporna (currently a farm track bisected by the railway line). Will local traffic be able to use the service roads (marked in green)? Judging by the S7 south of Grójec, yes. This will be very convenient.

Below: I've superimposed the above route of the road onto a photo of the fields, with the LogMaster distribution centre on ul. Baletowa top right. The two white lines show the approximate edges of the expressway; the service roads will run to the left and right of them.

Scrutiny of the map suggests that few houses will be bulldozed to make way for the road, mainly on ul. Baletowa and in the village of Nowa Wola. Others will not be touched but will be directly affected. Below: photo taken from ul. Postępu in Zgorzała looking across at houses on ul. Wróbelka. The expressway will cut right through here. There will no doubt be acoustic screens, but even so, quality of life of people living on either side of the S7 will suffer. Officially, the houses are also in Zgorzała, but once the road's built, they will be cut off from the village; it would make sense to append this street to Zamienie.

Progress has a price, the local wildlife will no doubt move somewhere quieter. Talking of which, I caught this pheasant promenading on the wall of the neighbouring farm. Photo taken from my bedroom. You won't see this living in the centre of Warsaw, yet Jeziorki is now just 28 minutes away from the centre by train.

This time last year:
Getting out of Mordor

This time seven years ago:
Ćwilin, conquered

This time eight years ago:
Sunset across the tracks, Nowa Iwiczna

This time nine years ago:
The storm the forecasters missed

This time ten years ago:
Peacocks in the Park


  1. czy powstanie wiaduktu nad sporną jest sprawą pewną? Do tej pory była mowa że ten wiadukt nie powstanie...

  2. It's a shame there's this fixation on roads and private cars in Poland. If all the money being spent on road construction went into public transport, what a system we'd have. I can't believe the young people I know, who'd never think of taking a bus or tram. The USA has arrived in Poland.

  3. What communist you must be to say such thing. It is scarry.

    Roads in a country = wealth for everyone. It might be hard to understand for some, but the more roads the country have, the wealthier the society is.

  4. Anonymous:

    Według dość starego planu na stronach Siskomu... Ale może się koniunktura zmieniła. Warto przejrzeć przez Skyscraper City Forum Polskich Wieżowców (ale dużo szukania będzie!)

    In ten years time all will be different. Autonomous (self-driving) vehicles will cut down number of cars on road. You're right - young people (my children included) have no interest in car ownership. The problem with Polish rail is not that there isn't any money - there is (thanks EU) - it's just an extreme shortage of people (politicians, project managers, civil engineers, skilled workers) who know how to spend it. Having said that, there is no money for new SKM rolling stock to Piaseczno in the current EU financial perspective.

    You sound like a British person in the 1960s. Move ahead. The world is changing. Roads are economically valuable, but they have a social cost. Proper road pricing is necessary... Tolling road users per kilometer travelled would be a good step forward. And using that money to improve road - and rail - infrastructure even further.

  5. Listen to the children.

    Building cross-country (with associated e-networking) expressway/motorways aka railways or high-speed rail is important for (heavy) goods.

    Whether building super-complicated multi-level junctions are important in light of electric cars and electronic steering systems, e.g.. collision avoidance, is a moot point.

    Autonomous flying a la Jetsons is imminent. Easier than google cars, less dangerous than US military drones (but all the same tech).

    I preferred the Flintstones to the Jetsons.

    Oh dear.
