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Saturday 15 July 2017

What's new on the Warsaw-Mysiadło border

On the borders of Warsaw and Mysiadło, things are stirring. Below: a new junction is being built on the corner of ul. Kuropatwy and Puławska. This will result in another set of traffic lights along the notoriously-choked main road into town from the south. To the left of the photo below - construction is under way of a Selgros cash-and-carry. It will be a big one. It opens in October. If you run your own business, you'll be offered a card without which you won't be able to benefit from the wholesale discounts at this store.

Going right back along ul. Kuropatwy (named after Japanese film maker, Akito Kuropatwa) to a new roundabout, it's clear that this investment is intended to make for easier access to the new Selgros (to the left). Note the electricity pylons, still in use, standing in the middle of the road. These will have to replaced before the road can be completed. Kuropatwy marks the border between Warsaw (to the right) and Mysiadło (to the left).

Below: looking south from the same roundabout, this time with wide-angle lens again. This is the terrain of the old PGR Mysiadło collective farm, which became Eko Mysiadło and went bankrupt in 2000. Legal disputes into the land's ownership drag on. But bit by bit, the plot is being sold off and put to use. The new Selgros will be to the right of this view, occupying a goodly chunk of the old PGR lands.

Below: moving further south towards Piaseczno, the track turned to a morass by rainfall and construction plant. This road will eventually be asphalted/paved; it emerges on ul. Geodetów.

Below: the abandoned admin block of PGR Mysiadło. A magnet for the urban explorer... Venture in at your own risk...

Below: the interior suggests that this is a local teenage drinking den; empty spray tins and beer cans everywhere. The place has been ransacked for anything of value years ago.

Below: a sign on this abandoned building is for drivers of construction vehicles, pointing the way to the Selgros site.

Below: the road continues south towards ul. Geodetów. While Puławska was being modernised ten years ago, traffic was being diverted down this route...

Below: how it looked back then.

While seeing what's new on the Warsaw's southern border - what's this I see from ul. Katarynki? A nuclear reactor? A mosque? No, it's the first new Orthodox church (cerkiew) to be built in Warsaw for over 100 years.

Below: view of what will be Warsaw's Hagia Sophia; trees in the background are over the border in Mysiadło. In bare concrete, it does have the air of an observatory or chemicals plant...

View of the front of the building from Puławska. Construction began in autumn 2015. When completed, it will be painted white with a silvery-blue dome.

To the side of the building is a temporary wooden church, at which worshippers pray while the construction is in progress.

This time last year:
Four stations from Jeziorki to Czachówek

This time three years ago:
High over Eastern Ukraine

This time four years ago:
From shouted slogans to practical policy

This time five years ago:
Who should pay for railways?

This time seven years ago:
Grunwald - the big picture

This time nine years ago:
"Take me right back to the track, Jack"

This time ten years ago:
The summer sublime

1 comment:

  1. I was intrigued by the mention of "Japanese film director, Akito Kuropatwa"; something struck a chord. Then I remembered a former girlfriend, who worked for some multinational, describing the typical denizen of an office cubicle in such as a partridge, or kuropatwa. Aside from this admittedly apt usage, I also recall that partridges are small game birds - could it not be that the street is named for this reason? Or even that office premises for some outsourcing company are about to be visited thereon?
