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Sunday 29 October 2017

Recent Jeziorki (and Warsaw) roundup

Lots going on at Jeziorki right now, intensive activity around the station. Below: a new temporary level crossing is being prepared, passengers to town now have to walk a different way to get to the 'up' platform. Workers are busy up and down the line, working on the electricity, signalling and the water and sewers.

Below: corner of Nawłocka and Karczunkowska looking like a war zone with heavy plant digging trenches to re-lay the sewers away from the line of the new viaduct.

The story in local news service, Haloursynó suggests that the viaduct will be ready in 12 months' time. Let me tell you this. Not a chance. Not even in 24 months. Watch this blog. Long-term readers will remember the building of the viaducts over the S2 on ul. Poloneza (now re-named Kujawiaka) and ul. Hołubcowa. It took three years (2009-2012) to build them, plus another year to be finally opened (you know, paperwork, that sort of thing).

Meanwhile on Puławska, I noticed that the new Volvo building has been beautifully illuminated, below.

In town, a bit of sunlight shining through the heavy clouds lights up socialist-realist architecture on ul. Twarda and Emilii Plater, below.

Below: turning south, the Palace of Culture in the autumnal sun.

Below: view of south-west Warsaw from the 32nd floor of Rondo 1, looking along al. Jana Pawła II. A rain cloud passes over south Mazovia.

Well before daybreak, Thursday morning, waiting for the 05:20 train to Kraków at W-wa Zachodnia, a far more civilised place than in pre-remont days when it was my pick for Poland's worst railway station.

Bonus pic, from out of town: Chynów station. I have my eyes on a działka around here!

This time last year:
Autumn in Jeziorki
[far nicer than today - it rained and it rained]

This time two years ago:
A driving ban for developers and architects

This time three years ago:
Do you keep coming back, or do you seek the new?

This time four years ago:
In praise of Retro design

This time five years ago:
First snowfall in Warsaw 

This time six years ago:
Of cycles, economic and human 

This time seven years ago:
Why didn't I read this before? Grapes of Wrath

This time eight years ago:
Małopolska from the train

This time nine years ago:
Grading ul. Poloneza

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