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Monday 22 January 2018

Notes from the Arena of the Unwell (II)

"Feed a cold, starve a fever". Or is it the other way round? Can't remember. Google doesn't help [Starve a Cold, Feed a Fever? Learn the Facts - WebMD... BBC Future - Feed a cold, starve a fever?]

Whatever. My fever is abating - this morning, for the first time in four days my temperature is below 38C, last reading a very positive 37.1C. And as the fever passes, my appetite returns.

The worst day was Saturday. Other than hot drinks, I literally ate nothing until the early evening, when I boiled up a bowl of rice; I have a few forkfuls, then left it to go cold, then returned to the bowl after a couple of hours for a few more forkfuls, could eat no more, finally threw away about a third of the bowl. Dreadful. The rice at least stemmed the diarrhoea that had been bothering me since the Friday evening.

Yesterday morning I scrambled some eggs for breakfast, a signal that my appetite was returning. But a strange thing is happening... I'm craving sugar. I can normally live totally without sugar, but now, I want the taste of sweet. Last night I woke at quarter to four with an abnormal craving for tinned pineapple rings in syrup. And at the same time, I find myself shunning the savoury tastes that form the basis of my diet. I couldn't face Pecorino Romano or Roquefort, the salty sheep's milk cheeses sitting in the fridge. Neither did I add any salt to my scrambled eggs.

And what I am doing drinking Coca Cola? When my preferences change to such a degree, I know something profound must be going on in my organism. As I mentioned yesterday, I yearn nostalgically for the taste of original Lucozade, not today's Japanese-owned sports drink, but the carbonated, Sunset Yellow and tartrazine-coloured recovery drink manufactured in Brentford, Middlesex, by Beechams. I can see it now - taking off the cellophane wrapping, opening the bottle, filling a glass with it, watching the effervescence subside and taking a long, deep draught of the sweet, sweet drink (containing one-quarter more sugar than Coke). As a child, Lucozade was such a treat it almost made up for being ill.

This morning I made an espresso - the coffee tasted different - even better - more... rounded (?) despite being my regular Lavazza brand, half way through the tin. Clearly different. Odd that. Why? Enzymes?

Calories in means calories need to be burnt. Since Friday I've walked no further than to the kitchen and back. Normally, I'm walking 11,000 paces a day, which in its own right is exercise that burns off around 350 kCals. Plus - no chin-ups, no weights, no press-ups. So I need less food just lying here.

Final diet/illness thought: I checked the assertion that putting honey into hot tea kills off its health benefits, and that one should wait until the tea is lukewarm before adding the honey. NOT TRUE. See what food scientists say here. So: boil kettle - pour water into 500ml/one-pint mug over one tea bag, cut four thin slices of lemon, add to the tea, dig out one tablespoon of set honey, stir into tea, remove teabag, enjoy.

Being confined to bed in the digital era is a huge advance over illnesses of the past. YouTube keeps me entertained. I came across The Comic Strip Presents The Hunt for Tony Blair (2012) - a total gem - really funny, beautifully filmed and acted and sharply satirical. Poland could never do political satire as well as this! (well at least today. Maybe in a generation's time...)

This time two years ago:
Ice - pond - night

This time four years ago:
Sorry, taki mamy klimat - Polish rail in winter

This time six years ago:
Music of the Trees

This time seven years ago:
StudniĆ³wka - a hundred days before the exams

This time eight years ago:
It's all in the mind - but where's that?

This time nine years ago:
Roztopy - the big melt-down

This time ten years ago:
The year's most depressing day


  1. Hoping you are on the mend and gaining strength before the challenge of Lent. I had the flu and pneumonia jabs last Thursday - kept resisting both for years. Something inside, an instinctual voice perhaps, told me that NOW is the right time for me. No ill effects so far.

    Frater SoreArm III (ret'rd)

  2. Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery. Not sure it is too far off your normal routes but there is a new shopping centre going up on Okulickiego, I'll warrant it will be up and operational before the Jeziorki Bridge is!
