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Tuesday 16 January 2018

Proceed with utmost caution

Warsaw's first proper snowfall of the winter. Fifth consecutive day of sub-zero temperatures, with an overnight low of -9C. Time for a first stroll across the frozen pond. In my previous post, I noted that the ice wasn't thick enough for walking on. Last night walking home I saw a group of three youths testing the ice by jumping up and down on it - no one fell in.

Walking on new ice needs to be done with caution. Never be the first - nor the last - person of the season to go on it. Look for signs that someone's been before; footprints and bicycle tracks. Listen all the time for tell-tale sounds of ice cracking (whenever a plane took off overhead, I'd stop and wait, so I could hear properly). Above all, know your lake or pond, keep to the edges at first. Last year, there were over 54 days of ice cover on the ponds - this year's ice season will be shorter.

Anyway, off I go. Gingerly. Below: to my left is the northernmost wooden walkway skirting the top pond. Should the ice show any signs of cracking, I can make it to safety. Black patches are ice from which the powdery snow has blow off from.

Below: the middle walkway. At this stage, all is solid and sound, at least at this distance from the shore. To my right (well out of shot on this pic) is the last stretch of open water still unfrozen.

Below: the pier at the south end of the middle pond. Ice totally solid here.

Below: view across the lower pond, ul. Dumki to the left, houses on ul. Trombity on the right. Again, the ice is solid, the wind whipping snow off the surface.

Below: looking along the canal leading to the drainage ditch. Open water right of centre - this is where my ice-bound journey ends, and where I take to terra firma. Still, no ominous sounds.

Below: a Vivian Maier-style selfie with my camera, the Nikon CoolPix A. I love this little camera, so solid, great battery life, fabulous lens; sadly discontinued (if you find one now for sale, chances are it'll be around the original list price of $1,100. I bought mine for around $400, at the time 1,500zł, in April 2015.

A hour or so earlier, I left the office in the middle of a steady snowfall, below.

This time last year:
In which I see a wild boar crossing the frozen ponds

This time two years ago:
Communicating the government's case in English

This time four years ago:
Thinking big, American style. Can Poles do it?

This time five years ago:
Inequality in an age of economic slowdown 

This time six years ago:
The Palace of Culture: Tear it down?

This time eight years ago:
Conquering Warsaw's highest snow mounds

This time nine years ago:
Flashback on way to Zielona Góra

This time ten years ago:
Ursynów, winter, before sunrise 


  1. Has the craze for ice carousels reached Jeziorki yet?


  2. @Marek

    Cool idea, but the smell of all that two-stroke exhaust (chainsaw, outboard) would put me off. Now a solar/wind powered solution :-)

  3. perhaps a mini ice carousel, rotating at 33 1/3 rpm to hiss masters voice.
