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Tuesday 6 March 2018

That was the winter that was

A very cold week for end-Feb/early March has ended with a return to plus zero temperatures, grey clouds and sleet. Time to look back over a lovely frosty week.

Below: trainload of empties - an ET22 electric freight loco approaches W-wa Jeziorki station with a rake of wagons used for carrying biomass (wood chips) used for co-firing along with coal at Siekierki. Note the third, unelectrified, track to the right of the photo - that's the one linking the power station to the sidings at W-wa Okęcie.

Below: wires in the sky, corner of ul. Trombity and ul. Kórnicka.

Below: tyre tracks on the frozen pond. If you can drive on it, after three nights with temperatures at -14C, walking on it poses no risk. Photo taken at night, under the light of a full moon. Exposure: 1/125 sec, f4.2, 12,800 ISO.

The third week of Lent is almost over; I am craving a gin and tonic. And a Weißbier. And pastrami on rye bread with pickle and mustard. Three weeks and four days to go.

This time last year:
Self-discipline, habits and Growth

This time four years ago:
Putin - tactical genius, strategic failure
[I had - the West had - evidently underestimated the man.]

This time five years ago:
Socialist Realist architecture in late winter sun

This time seven years ago:
The Cripple and the Storyteller - part II

This time eight years ago:
The station with no name

This time nine years ago:
Lenten thoughts on motoring

This time ten years ago:
Flowers, spring - already

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