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Monday 20 August 2018

Two years on: Karczunkowska's still closed

Time to issue another commemorative stamp, marking the second anniversary of the closure of the level crossing on ul. Karczunkowska. The temporary crossing, south of W-wa Jeziorki's 'up' platform is also formally closed (though locals know you can get through in the evenings when the construction crews have finished work and all day at the weekends).

The ramps on either side of the bridge have been raised at a quick tempo (it's 60 days since work on this stage began in earnest), though promises that all will be ready by the end of September is a chimera, a fata morgana, a will o'the wisp, a fantasy. There is a chance of a first layer of asphalt being laid next month, but that's when the fiddly work starts I expect to have another commemorative stamp bearing the image of a nearly-complete viaduct with barriers at either ends preventing cars from using it. Four level-access lifts are required; signing off the paperwork for these takes ages too.

This time last year:
356 days since the closure of Karczunkowska

This time two years ago:
That's it! the level crossing's closed.

This time three years ago:
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This time four years ago:
PKP publishes plans for upgrade of Warsaw-Radom line

This time five years ago:
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This time seven years ago:
Raymond's Treasure - a short story

This time eight years ago: 
Now an urban legend: Kebab factory under W-wa Centralna 

This time nine years ago: 
It was twenty years ago today 

This time 11 years ago: 
By bike to Czachówek again

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