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Wednesday 1 August 2018

Warsaw Uprising: 74th anniversary commemorations

In what's becoming an annual pilgrimage, my father (95) flew into Warsaw on Monday ahead of today's commemorations of the 74th anniversary of the start of the Warsaw Uprising. As in previous years, the main events were on 1 August, beginning with the laying of wreaths outside the building where my father lived from 1926 to the outbreak of the uprising. It was here (although my father did not know it) the order to start the Uprising was issued by General Chruściel 'Monter'.

It was an early start - we were up before six to get to Filtrowa by 08:45. My father, in the front row, one of the very last male participants in the Uprising to be present at this particular event.

Below: the wreaths have been laid, the parade moves on. My father remains to revisit his pre-war family home.

Below: we visit my cousin's (my father's niece's) flat, the connection with the past still strong. He remembers the outbreak of the Uprising and of the boys from his school who died.

Below: next stop was the Warsaw Uprising Museum; my father gave two long interviews, one with TVN and one for TVP Info. We went by tram from Pl. Narutowicza - I must say, Warsaw's public transport is well suited for wheelchairs.

Below: we locate the name of my father's brother, Józef, who died during the Uprising aged 19, on the wall at the Museum commemorating the fallen Home Army soldiers. [Thanks to the lady from TVN who offered to take a photo of the my father and me together.]

On to Powązki wojskowe cemetery by public transport - the buses as good as the trams for wheelchairs. Below: first port of call at the cemetery is the Batalion Odwet monument; my father pauses here to look at the names of his fallen comrades.

The appointed hour for the meeting of Batalion Odwet's remaining members was 16:15; last year, nine were present; this year there were six. Sadly, my father's comrade Kazimierz Możdzonek, who'd done so much for my father in terms of Home Army association membership, event invites etc, is very ill and couldn't make it. The soldiers of Odwet watched the Godzina W ('W-Hour') commemorations from a distance; they were not invited to the Gloria Victis memorial; rather it was the politicians who took front of stage for this, the most solemn occasion in Warsaw's calendar.

Below: so many friendly faces, so many helping hands. So many people just wanted to thank my father and wish him well. We will be back again next year; the big 75th anniversary.

Below: my father lays a flower at the grave of his younger brother, Józef.

A big thank-you to Paddy Ney for his live narration from today's events in English (see link to his channel in top right of this page). Paddy caught up with my father at Filtrowa and then at his brother's grave.

This time last year:
73rd anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising with my father

This time two years ago:
Godzina W remembered with my father - a day of emotions

This time five years ago:
Godzina W commemorated in a more civilised way

Godzina W six years ago (2012)

Godzina W seven years ago (2011)

Godzina W nine years ago (2009)

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