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Friday 2 November 2018

Walks in the early-November sun

A massive 19C in today's strong sunlight - this is 2 November, not 2 October!

Below: the park in Jeziorki, many people making the most of the bridge-day between a public holiday and the weekend.

Warm wind from the south means that planes taking ofp from Okęcie are doing so into the wind. Below: a Polish Air Force CASA C-295 transport.

Below: new development of houses close to the railway line, just south of Warsaw's border, Nowa Wola/Zgorzała. Now all the new home-owners need is an asphalt road to get them out of here.

Below: some interesting trains passed through... A Bombardier TRAXX in ITL livery hauling containerised cisterns and containers approaches the 'down' platform at W-wa Jeziorki... ITL has but two such locos, and they are rarely seen on Polish rails.

Below: ...and coming the other way, an EU07 pulls a short rake of two passenger coaches forming the TLK Połoniny service from Przemysł to Warsaw via Jarosław, Sandomierz and Radom (and a whole lot more places along the way) through W-wa Jeziorki.

Below: the two trains pass each other

Below: a more usual sight - a laden coal train headed by an ET22 loco on its way from the coal fields to the marshalling yard at Okęcie, from where it will be diesel-hauled down to Siekierki on the non-electrified line (the left of the frame here).

Below: the viaduct taking ul. Karczunkowska over the railway line - no work on 1 November, but back at it today. Ready by this time next year?

Below: All Saints, memento mori - in particular here a local pedestrian hit by a car, ul. Karczunkowska. Pavements save lives.

The weather is due to break, ten degrees colder and rain. Glad I made the most of both days!

This time three years ago:
Foggy evening, London

This time four year:
Kraków - Europe's top short-break destination 

This time six years ago:
Rzeczpospolita publishes infamous 'trotyl' Smolensk story

This time seven years ago:
Wilanowska - south Warsaw transport hub

This time nine years ago:
Powiśle on a cold, clear autumn morning

This time ten years ago:
Okęcie "to remain Warsaw's only airport"

This time 11 years ago:
Searching for autumnal perfection

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