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Sunday 27 January 2019

Pond, dusk, winter reprise

Weather makes this evening's dusk stroll along the lake worthy of a follow-up post. Below: I mentioned the reeds - they are taking over. This is the southern end of the northern pond; to the left in the distance is the little wooden pier. The entire area is being choked with reeds; a few more summers and the water will disappear and we'll be back to where we were before 2011. Some judicious pruning back of the reeds is necessary

Left: the humans have only just departed! They left no rubbish, which is good. Plentiful traces of ice-skate tracks and paw-prints from dogs and their owners' footprints suggest that many people took to the pond today. As the sun set, they all took off for home, leaving the entire area empty and free for me to roam all over.

Below: the wooden promenades out into the ponds. No bird life visible here today. By the houses, thrushes, sparrows, rooks, magpies and jackdaws; on the lake - nothing.

Below: the corner of ul. Kórnicka and ul. Baletowa.

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