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Sunday 17 March 2019

New views, Jeziorki

Although the new viaduct carrying ul. Trombity over the railway line is still months from being opened, it's possible to walk up several of the sets of stairs to the top, and this opens up completely new vistas of Jeziorki.

Below: where once the highest view of the railway line was from platform level, now the viaduct offers a great perspective... looking north with my telephoto lens zoomed out to 300mm. An Emirates Boeing 777 is coming into land; to the left Warsaw Trade Tower and the Spire, with the Hub under construction, plenty of other cranes along the skyline. This shot places Jeziorki nicely in its place in Warsaw.

Below: a former EWS (England, Wales and Scotland) Class 66 loco, still in old livery but now hauling coal to Siekierki power station for DB Cargo Polska. From the same viewpoint as the above photo, but this time with 18.5mm lens of my Nikon Coolpix A. To the left, the 'down' platform at W-wa Jeziorki station.

Below: looking down into the same train as it heads south towards Nowa Iwiczna. To the right, the 'up' platform of W-wa Jeziorki station.

Below: a sad farewell to the house next door, abandoned these past 20 years or so; pulled down to make way for a new house with outbuildings. Last Wednesday morning.

Below: by today, nothing left except the front fence and the electricity meter. Brick wall behind the house also torn down.

Time to reminisce, how it once was, the empty house on ul. Trombity... in summer... winter...

...with the old barn behind it (demolished in November 2014)

...the old barn in high summer...

...evoking another time, another place...

...linking Jeziorki, Warsaw, Poland, with Kentucky in the 1930s... midnight, under sodium lighting...

...farewell, old friend. You were a part of the neighbourhood for so long; we mourn your passing.

There's an upside to the loss of this local landmark - it suggests that the fields around it will not be cut up by new roads. The planning application (to which immediate neighbours were party) was made in January 2018, and now it's through it suggests that the zoning of our neighbourhood (Rejon Sarabandy), though still 'in progress', will spare these fields at least.

This time last year:
Humanity in a Creative Universe: a summary

This time six years ago:
Always let your conscience be your guide

This time seven years ago:
Lenten recipe with prawns 

This time ten years ago:
Polish economy - recession thwarted

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