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Saturday 20 April 2019

Lent 2019 - a summing up

Day 46 - Easter Saturday

By midnight it will be Easter Sunday; the religious aspect of this has passed me by many years ago (or maybe I have passed it by), but Lents have continued and bring me a great deal of satisfaction, not least because they have helped me develop strength of will. Physical strength - health and longevity - but to what end?

A life well lived a life in which one balances peace of mind with optimising one's human potential. Peace of mind within a healthy body, peace of mind based on gratitude. But I've not done enough, not written enough this Lent. I've not been sufficiently productive, I've been distracted - politics mainly; I need focus; I need to get things done, things I told myself I'd do I need to press on with and finish.

Outside my window, the sun still shines, the trees are now in leaf, the garden is in blossom - this is the most beautiful time of the year. Seasonal affective disorder has gone, has faded away, the sunlight and warmth brings joy.

Lack of focus, easily distracted, where's that self-discipline...? What did I want to say? I wanted to ask how you reconcile the knowledge that your consciousness resides within a meat-covered skeleton that's currently sitting on a rock hurtling round a star within a galaxy that's one of billions in our known universe? Does it matter at all? "As the earth just spins in space/People plan their daily race"

Easter everywhere... let Ten Years After count out to the end of Lent - As the Sun Still Burns Away. Recorded nearly 50 years ago!

This time last year
Spring polarises into existence

This time five years ago:
The Road to Biedronka

This time six years ago:
Lighter, longer lens

This time nine years ago:
Making sense of Polish politics

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