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Monday 22 April 2019

More Easter in Ealing

A second day with temperatures exceeding 25C; Easter Monday and the blue sky beckons. Out to the Brentham Garden Suburb, its architecture looking Most fine in such Mediterranean weather.

Below: bluebells along the footpath that runs parallel to Brunswick Road. Because up to 50% of all bluebells grow in the British Isles, this flower, that so beautifies British woodland at this time of year, is unknown in Poland. Dzwonek (Campanula) is bellflower in English. Bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) is similar in colour and shape, but not the same flower - a different order all together. Cousin Hoavis and his mum who were down for Easter said that Ealing bluebells are paler in colour than those found in Derbyshire - indeed, comparing my snaps with photos of bluebells online, they are indeed lacking in vibrance.

More heavy-blossomed trees line the streets of the Brentham Garden Suburb. This Arts and Crafts wonderland of 600 houses was built between 1903 and 1915 as a pioneering development following the precepts of garden cities and co-operative ownership.

Houses here are beautifully designed both in themselves and as an ensemble; the architects were mindful of the aesthetic effect that gently curving roads would give; hedges and trees complete the effect... and at this time of year - magic.

Quintessential English suburbia - under a distinctively non-English sky for the time of year. I cannot complain though, for that worry about climate change is somewhat offset by the feelings for the beauty of strong sunlight on the blossom-clad trees of late April. Two days' of walking - 90 minutes both days - and I feel my face slightly burnt by the sun. Who'd have thought I'd ever need sun-cream in London at Easter?

Finally - as used in the soundtrack of Sir John Betjeman's televisual programme, Metro-Land (1973), here is Jack Hylton and his Orchestra performing Sunny Side of the Street. Not the same version as used in the programme, but still a perfect accompaniment to a visit to Brentham Garden Suburb.

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Completely in the dark

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