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Friday 5 April 2019

My father at 96

My father has turned 96; officially his birthday was a month ago – his date of birth as far as the British (and indeed Polish) state is concerned, 5 March 1923 the date he enters on the NHS reception system when visiting the clinic or hospital. My grandmother remembered exactly when her son Bohdan was born; so within the family the 5 April date has always been the day to celebrate.

This dual birthday is the result, it is claimed, of the wrong date being entered on my father's birth certificate at his christening by 'tipsy guests'. (A post-war copy of this, made out at the church of All Saints on Plac Grzybowski, round the corner from my office, still exists.) It occurs to me that the use of Latin for liturgical purposes may have resulted in the month April being noted as 'iiii' instead of 'iv', and subsequently mistaken for 'iii' - just a theory!

Being 34 and half years older than me, my father's advanced age gives me great strength and optimism about my own ageing process. I can hardly consider myself 'old' when I have a living parent more than a third of a century older than me!

Though unable now to walk very far, my father is in good spirits. The darkness and cold of winter have passed, spring is here; when the house is warmed by strong sunlight streaming in from the south, my father is particularly happy. He is looking forward greatly to the summer; he has been invited by the city of Warsaw to the commemorations of the 75th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, with complimentary travel and accommodation. I hope he'll be well enough to go!

Below: my father and my brother, Isle of Wight, August 1964. Nearly 55 years ago.

I should like to express my gratitude to Violetta and Basia who look after my father, ensuring his well-being and comfort. Below: Violetta's photo of my father's dining room, with spread of birthday cards!

This time last year:
My father at 95

This time two years ago:
Happy 94th to my father...

This time three years ago:
HOT! 24C in Warsaw 

This time four years ago:
COLD! Snowy Easter Sunday in Warsaw

This time five years ago:
Happy 91st to my father!

This time six years ago: 
My father at 90

This time seven years ago:
An independent Scotland - what if?


  1. Sto lat to your Dad!
    Does he get envelopes full of thank you cards from kids visiting the Muzeum Powstania ?

  2. Ha ! So did my mum bizarrely,even though she was in Isfahan at the time.They mixed her up with someone else!
