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Saturday 22 June 2019

Not a whole lot going on...

Two weeks away and what's been happening? Well the viaduct carrying ul. Karczunkowska over the railway line is still not open (no surprises there); over the past two weeks crash barriers have been installed on the north-west and north-east sides of the viaduct. The centre portion of the viaduct still lacks balustrades.

The crash barriers are a laugh. A joke, a mockery of a travesty of a parody, to quote Woody Allen. Look at the photo below. The barriers (still awaiting installation on the south side of the viaduct) are great - they will keep pedestrians safe. They are overkill. The speed limit here is 50km/h or 30mph, the roadway is narrow and curved. But once you've passed that traffic island, the driver feels OK to depress the accelerator pedal. Beyond the viaduct, you can see the continuation of Karczunkowska into the distance. Here, pedestrians are protected not by massive metal crash barriers. Nor by a raised kerb. No, beyond the viaduct there is nothing, literally nothing protecting the pedestrian.

The barriers almost incentivise drivers to speed. They are unnecessary. What is necessary for pedestrian safety is a pavement running the full length of Karczunkowska.

Meanwhile, down south in Chynów, much has happened over the two weeks. Looking down the line towards Krężel (below), I see that new rails are down on the new concrete sleepers. Work is pressing on in both directions, there were new sleepers down on stretches of the line between Czachówek Południowy and Sułkowice. Note the distant heat-haze. Saturday and the gang is working.

From today, the day's length begins to get shorter. Make the most of the summer, the sunshine, the daylight, the warmth.

This time four years ago:
Dreamtime supernatural

This time six years ago:
Baszta - local legend round these parts

This time eight years ago:
Downhill all the way to December

This time nine years ago:
What do I want for Poland

This time ten years ago:
Summer holiday starts drizzly

This time 11 years ago:
Israeli Air Force Boeing 707 visits Okęcie

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