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Thursday 8 August 2019

Back in Warsaw for a proper summer

Five days in London; early August and each day's weather forecast starts with the word 'unsettled'. Back in Warsaw, the August vibe is continental; warm days with risk of thunderclouds in the late afternoon, which clear the air and water the crops. I take the long way home from W-wa Jeziorki station to make the most of the sunshine and warmth.

The cereals have been gathered in; many fields are now stubble. Goldenrod (nawłocz) and mugwort (wrotycz) shine yellow amid the greenery. I'm watching the hop cones take shape and mature.

On the horizon, the chimneys of Siekierki power station...

Below: 30 to 40 minutes a day of extra commuting takes you from here (ul. Grenadierów, Grochów, Warsaw) out to the fringes of the city, where buses and trains are still plentiful, but where the landscape is more conduicive to a happy life.

This time last year:
Poland's trains failing in the heat

This time two years ago:
"Learn from your mystics is my only advice"

This time three years ago:
Out where the pines grow wild and tall

This time six years ago:
Behold and See (part V) - short story

This time seven years ago:
Syrenki in Warsaw

This time eight years ago:
What's the Polish for 'impostor'?

This time nine years ago:
Running with the storm on the road to Mamrotowo

This time 11 years ago:
St Pancras Station - new gateway to London

This time 12 years ago:
Mountains or sea? North Wales has them both

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