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Sunday 25 August 2019

Further on to Radom - Dobieszyn bez szyn

Continuing my irregular visits to stations along the Warsaw-Radom railway line as it undergoes modernisation. Last time, I visited to the last two stations still blessed with a rail service (Warka and Strzyżyna). From there on, trains have been suspended and replaced with buses for the duration of the works. Today, on to the first station deprived of trains - Dobieszyn.

Below: the station building, built in 1934. Although the line from Warka to Radom was single track (this is to be remedied), at Dobieszyn station there were three tracks, three platforms with five platform edges. All platforms ripped up. The replacement bus stops on the main road outside the station - but tickets need to be bought at the machine on the other side of the building, visible in the mid-ground.

Below: derelict signal box beyond the southern end of the old platforms, where the three lines merge back into one, running south towards Kruszyna (lit. 'Crumb'), the next station along the Radom line.

Below: the station building seen from the north, an ample car park for the commuters. The village of Dobieszyn consists of some 500 people, but the DK48 brings in motorised commuters from a wide catchment area.

Below: the level crossing that takes the DK48 across the Radom line. Droga Krajowa 48 runs from west to east, much of the way from Łódź to Lublin.

Below: view looking south from the level crossing, towards Dobieszyn station. The widening of the trackbed is evident here; before work started it was just a single line.

Below: view looking north from the level crossing, towards Strzyżyna; no sign of any work going on here. The old power line gantries have gone.

Below: heading back home to Jeziorki. First view of Warsaw from Lesznowola; Nowa Wola and Zgorzała on the way to the edge of town.

Below: back in Jeziorki; sunset is clearly getting earlier with each passing day. An hour and 20 minutes sooner than at summer solstice two months ago. We'll lose another hour and 14 minutes before equilux in one month's time. In two months' time, the Hammer of Darkness will descend.

Update: Sunday, they were working on the line at Chynów station. Flat out. Yet on a Saturday at Dobieszyn - no work was visible at all.

This time last year:
Faith and instinct

This time two years ago:
Tunnel (further searches for the Nazi gold train)

This time three years ago:
Planes and trains on pedestals around Poland

This time seven years ago:
Twilight, ul. Karczunkowska

This time ten years ago:
First hints of autumn in the air

This time 11 years ago:
Slovakia - we were not impressed

This time 12 years ago:
Jeziorki - late August cultivation

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