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Friday 20 September 2019

Suburban sunshine

The fourth day of unbroken blue skies over London - at this time of year, a phenomenon that lifts the spirits to exalted heights. Below: Highview Road; note the 20mph/30kmh speed limit - as much about emissions as road safety, and the rowan berries (jarzębina) on the tree to the left.

Below: Highview Road. My father pushed his wheelchair all the way home from Lidl in Hanwell, a distance of 1.5 miles/2.5km, without a break, an amazing feat for a 96 year-old man.

Below: junction of Drayton Bridge Road and Cavendish Avenue. Note the zebra crossing - zigzag approach markings, Belisha beacons and barriers to stop children from dashing out of the park into the roadway. And this is a 20mph zone.

Below: another zebra crossing; the junction of Church Road and Greenford Avenue. Pedestrian fatalities in road accidents in 2017: UK 470. Poland 861. Per million: UK 7, Poland 23. More than three times more pedestrians killed per million in Poland than in the UK.

To the right of this frame once stood the legendary Park Hotel, a large Victorian pub with dance floor. Demolished to make way for flats.

Left: Where Church Road, just north of the railway viaduct. A traditional shop front of an upholsterer's business.

Below: Hanwell Methodist church, one of three churches within 150m of each other.

Below: quintessential Ealing; the bottom of Barnfield Road where it meets Meadvale Avenue.

This time six years ago:
The cat that came back

This time seven years ago:
Farewell to the summer pavement tables

This time eight years ago:
The Old Sailor's Tale - a short story

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